The Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) was established aiming at all round development of agriculture and forestry sectors that would raise the socio-economic conditions of people through quality teaching, research and extension in agriculture, livestock and forestry. The mission of Agriculture and Forestry University is to produce competent human resource to promote education, research and development in agriculture, forestry and allied disciplines. In this context, the agricultural graduates should be well acquainted and equipped with the entrepreneurial skills to transform the subsistence agriculture to commercialization stage as envisaged in different agricultural plan and policies of Nepal Government.
Entrepreneurial learning is a complex issue in agricultural education system that often reflects the distinctive dispositions of entrepreneurs. Considering the urgency given to this aspect in the recent years at different national and international forum, AFU has decided to engage the undergraduate students of B. Sc. Ag in this (Learning for Entrepreneurial Experiences) LEE program during the entire duration of 8th semester i.e. 6 months. The total credit hours for LEE program are (0+15) and the total marks for this course is 375. It is only practical course.
The broad objective of the LEE program is to make the students able to design agricultural project for maximizing the productivity and profitability. The specific objectives of this course/ program are as follows:
- To enable students to develop the agriculture enterprise.
- To make them able to execute the project activities in the field.
- To strengthen students to interact with commercial farmers/concerned stakeholders regarding farmer oriented problem and conduct survey research/action research/ case study on that issue.
- To make them able to prepare scientific document/s.
In the present context, LEE program is being performed at out-station in the appropriate location and industry in the respective super zone/ zone/ block in an individual or group approach upon availability of external funding from Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project/ MoAD. As per the agreement between AFU and PM-AMP, the students are deputed in LEE program as Agri intern. The selection of site as super zone/zone/ block is done in coordination with stakeholders like PM-AMP/ MoAD, privates industries; agricultural commodities based association, FNCCI, CNI, bilateral organizations, etc. So, students are involved at super zones, zones and clusters (blocks/ pockets) of PM-AMP. In this year too, AFU has signed MoU with Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project (PM-AMP) of MoAD. LEE under the collaboration with PM-AMP is also called Enterprise Learning Modality (ELM).
Students can perform action research, survey research and case study depending on their choice and based on the supervisory committee suggestion and given condition of the LEE site. The supervising committee of the intern/ student comprises of 1 major supervisor, 1 member supervisor and 1 site supervisor for each student enrolled in LEE program. Before planning research, a feasibility report should be submitted within a month. Midterm evaluation report of LEE students should be submitted within three months. Similarly, LEE manuscript should be submitted at end (6th month) of intern period.